2.export PATH=$PATH:/usr/atria/bin -> /usr/atria/bin - cleartool path
3.Create new view : cleartool mkview -tag
output of this command is
Selected Server Storage Location "viewstore".
Created view.
Host-local path: ../xxx.vws
Global path: ../xxx.vws
It has the following rights:
User : userID : rwx
Group: ccase : r-x
Other: : r-x
4.Set the view : cleartool setview
5.Set config spec : cleartool edcs
6.Use vi editor command to delete existing config spec and set new
7.cleartool catcs – check the newly set config spec
8.command to check out
cleartool checkout -nc "refactor-add new version"
9.command to check in
cleartool checkin -nc "refactor-add new version"
10.Get list of files which has been checkout by your id
cleartool lsco -me
11.If need to add new file to clearcase
i.Checkout parent folder using command 8
ii.Cleartool mkelem -nc
iii.Copy file at this location
iv.Use command 9 to checkin new file
v.Check in parent dir
12.If need to add new folder to clearcase
i.Checkout parent folder using command 8
ii.Cleartool mkdir -nc
iii.Use command 9 to checkin current dir
iv.Checkin parent dir